Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Progress Check or Lack Thereof

The following stories are in various stages of in-completion:

The opus number is a loose indicator of age (when the first scene was written), exc. 900s are still tentative. 

Opus # /Title   /Word Count (+Recent additions) comments
079. Mayerling: 4200 (+0) alt hist short
087. The Shipwrecks of Time: 96,173 (+0) novel
098. The Journeyman: Below the Heights of Iabran: 10,191 (+482) series novelette Spiral Arm
101. The Chieftain: 16,421 (+0) fantasy novel
107. Hunter's Moon 1173 (+110) short, sequel to Panic Town, Firestar milieu
108. Adventures in Mythistory: 6951 (+1204) article on mythicized history
109. The Three Faces of Science: 859 (+0) article on three phases of science
111. The Singing City: 2307 (+107) vignette, Firestar milieu
112. Moonrise at the Tatamy Book Barn: 4275 (+466) short, crossover
998. Little-Known Speed Bumps on the Highway of Progress: 380 (+380) filler material maybe
999. Thirty-five Answers to the Fermi Paradox 2760 (+1901) article


  1. I, for one, await new works with bated breath. But luckily I have 2.5 more Spiral Arm books which need finishing to keep me occupied.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I also eagerly await for more. But I am also curious about the jump in Opus No. from 112 to 998.

    1. I had reserved #900 et seq. as placeholders for ideas not yet fully worked out. Once an idea starts accumulating paragraphs and the like, it gets a slot on the regular list. Hence 998 and 999 are about due to get regular op numbers.

      However, your comment reminded me that there are several other stories that are hanging in the limbo of 999-land.

      I shall post a follow up, complete with some teaser paragraphs.

  4. Are we ever going to get to find out how that Crusade-thingy turned out? The real one with Count Godfrey, not the pretend kids' version.

  5. Ravn Olafsdottr. I miss that charming psychopath. The Hounds & Shadows are hot on the heels of the Seven Vestiges, right? Right...?


In the Belly of the Whale Reviews

 Hi All The National Space Society reviewed Dad's last work, In the Belly of the Whale. Take a read here , and don't forget you can ...