Saturday, May 25, 2024

In The Belly of the Whale: Publisher's Weekly Review & Pre-Order Links

 Hello Fans of Michael Flynn.

In the Belly of the Whale
I am pleased to let you know that Dad's novel In the Belly of the Whale will be released by CAEZIK on July 16, 2024. It has received a starred review in Publisher's Weekly, which you can read here. Publisher's Weekly calls it "thought-provoking" and "an impressive and original epic."

If you're wondering where and how you can get your hands on it, no worries! Several retailers already have pre-order links available for you.Of course folks outside of the US know your booksellers better than I do - I just went with what I could find.

US Retailers

Amazon Pre-Order

Barnes & Noble Pre-Order

Powell's Pre-Order 

Books-A-Million Pre-Order 

Oblong Books in Upstate NY Pre-Order 

 Canadian Retailers

Indigo Books Pre-Order

Australian Retailers

Mighty Ape Pre-Order 

UK Retailers

WH Smith Pre-Order 

Swedish (I think) Retailer

Science Fiction Bookhandeln 

German Retailer

Lehmann's Pre-Order


  1. Thank you, I preordered it. Do you have any way to get this and other Michael Flynn books (specifically the Firestar books) available as e-books? My old eyes have a hard time with the size of print in most paperbacks and even hardbacks these days. Thank you!

    1. Hi, yes it will be available on e-reader. Eifelheim, January Dancer and a few others are available on Kindle (not sure about Nook). This link should take you to the search results - IGNORE the OTHER Michael Flynn results, LOL.

    2. Thank you for the reply. I can't find Firestar, Lodestar, or Rogue Star as ebooks, only Falling Stars.

  2. Just got my copy in today's mail. So looking forward to reading it.


In The Belly of the Whale - Now Available

    Dear Readers, Dad's final (? maybe?) work is now available at Amazon, B&N, and many other fine retailers. I compiled a list a fe...