Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Flynn Stories in the Queue

Coming to you in Analog

TOF's great opus "Nexus", a novella length something or other, has the cover in the March/April issue of Analog. Woo Hoo.
Also on the Analog web site is an extensive excerpt from the aforesaid tale. Read it and weep. Or else go out and buy the issue on sale now.

Future expectations 

relating to Things Flynnic, dates subject to change:
  • Sep/Oct: "Viktor Frankenstein's Bar and Grill and 24-Hour Roadside Emporium"
  • Nov/Dec: "Laminated Moose Zombies and Other Road Maintenance Problems"
    (w/Dennis M. Flynn)
  • Jan/Feb: "The Journeyman: Through Madness Gap"

In other news

A German contract is pending for a German-language translation of Eifelheim. I can't wait to see how they translate "Eifelheim".....


  1. A possible award or more for NEXUS? I wouldn't be surprised, as I stopped and immediately reread the first three and on-half pages, a gloriously marvelous introduction to this story of time travel, immortal life, and competing alien interests. Flynn's novella displays his talented imagination of characters, an unnerving ability to grow suspense, and occasional humorous editorial asides. No other story (near 20 in the current Analog SF& Fact) comes close to matching Flynn's writing skills in NEXUS. Oh, and the editor also must have agreed as NEXUS is the featured and first story in the 208-page March/April issue.

  2. Regarding Eifelheim, someone shared this image with me and I thought of your novel. I do not know the source.


In The Belly of the Whale - Now Available

    Dear Readers, Dad's final (? maybe?) work is now available at Amazon, B&N, and many other fine retailers. I compiled a list a fe...