Yesterday, as has been our custom of late, the Incomparable Marge and TOF attended to the turkey at Flynn's on the Hill, a catering hall run by a Uncle Francey. A fair sampling of Flynn were there, though some absences. Cousin Fran had to work the toll bridge. Uncle Tommy and his crew were doing their own thing, as were the Lillys. Even so, Pere was there with all his other brothers and sisters.
Cousin Molly (right) |
The Big Game had been played earlier, to the discomfit of the P'burg Stateliners and the corresponding joy of the Easton Red Rovers. This was the 106th meeting of the two schools, and TOF's 1-1 cousin, Molly, was Queen of the Game (the King, by custom, comes from the other school). She wore her tiara to the dinner, but one of the weenie Flynns kept trying to put it onto other heads, most inappropriately on Cousin Jim's. The Flynn have long had students in both schools and so have been pleased regardless of the outcome. TOF Himself was benignly neutral, having attended a different high school entirely, viz., the unapologetically-named Notre Dame Crusaders.
Dinner was served buffet style and and the bar was serve yourself. All the usuals: turkey, cranberries, Irish whiskey,...
Also present along with Pere, aged 87 was Linda Ryan Flynn, aged 6 months. She is the daughter of Timmy, son of Timmy, son of Francey and -- for the time being -- the Youngest Flynn, as Pere is the Oldest.
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